Tag Archives: learning laravel

How to use database migration in laravel

Hello World, Welcome to my website. Today I am going to discuss how to use database migration in laravel. For a better understanding of database migration, I have created this tutorial with example.

I have divided this tutorial into the following parts.

  • What is migration?
  • How to Create a migration file?
  • How to Run Migration?

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Create project from scratch with laravel 5

Hello World, welcome to my website. Today i am going to create a tutorial series of laravel 5. In this series, we will create a project from scratch. I have divided this series in following parts.

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Add data in database in laravel

Hello World, Welcome to my website. Today we will discuss about how we can add data in database in laravel. In the previous tutorial, we have discussed about how we can implement form validation in laravel.

In this tutorial, we will extends the previous article. In this article, we will learn how can connect database with laravel add how we can add data in database.  I have devided this tutorial in following steps.

  • Setup controller for adding data
  • Show success message in add form

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