Hello World, In this article, we will discuss 9 Useful Php Array Functions. I will discuss some functions in some detail and with an example. Following are some steps are given below to run the array function.
This function is used to print an array with its key and value. this function read like key automatically 0=>ram 1=>sham etc. but we can define our custom key like ram=>age ram=>DOB etc. In this, ram is key and age and DOB is its value.
<?php $a= ['ram','sham','geeta']; print_r ($a); ?> //Output: //Array ( [0] => ram [1] => sham [2] => geeta )
This function is used to convert a string into an array. we can use value and variable names to explode the string.
<?php $a= "it is string"; print_r (explode(" ",$a)); ?> //Output: Array ( [0] => it [1] => is [2] => string )
This function is used to convert the array into a string. we can use value and variable name to implode the array.
<?php $a= ['ram','is','a','good','boy.']; print_r (implode(" ",$a)); ?> //Output: ram is a good boy
This function is sort array in ascending order by its value.
<?php $name=['ram','sham','geeta','sita']; echo '<pre>'; sort($name); print_r ($name); '</pre>'; ?> Output: Array ( [0] => geeta [1] => ram [2] => sham [3] => sita )
This function is to sort the array’s value in ascending order. In this function, the key is set according to the array’s value.
<?php $name=['ram','sham','geeta','sita']; echo '<pre>'; asort($name); print_r ($name); '</pre>'; ?> Output: Array ( [2] => geeta [0] => ram [1] => sham [3] => sita )
This function is a short array’s key in ascending order. In this function, the value is set according to the array’s key.
<?php $name=['ram','sham','geeta','sita']; echo '<pre>'; asort($name); print_r ($name); '</pre>'; ?> Output: Array ( [0] => ram [1] => sham [2] => geeta [3] => sita )
This function is sort array in descending order.
<?php $name=['ram','sham','geeta','sita']; echo '<pre>'; sort($name); print_r ($name); '</pre>'; ?> Output: Array ( [0] => sita [1] => sham [2] => ram [3] => geeta )
This function is a short array’s value in descending order. In this function, the key is set according to the array’s value.
<?php $name=['ram','sham','geeta','sita']; echo '<pre>'; asort($name); print_r ($name); '</pre>'; ?> Output: Array ( [3] => sita [1] => sham [0] => ram [2] => geeta )
This function is a short array’s key in descending order. In this function, the value is set according to the array’s key.
<?php $name=['ram','sham','geeta','sita']; echo '<pre>'; asort($name); print_r ($name); '</pre>'; ?> Output: Array ( [3] => sita [2] => geeta [1] => sham [0] => ram )