Tag Archives: learn laravel 5

How to create api with laravel 5

Hello World, Welcome to my website. Today I will discuss how to create API with laravel 5. Laravel provides a very efficient way to create API with its resource controller which are already structured around REST verbs and patterns. In this tutorial, we will create a simple example to better understand APIs.

I am using laravel 5.8

I have divided this tutorial into the following parts.

  • Create Resource Controller
  • Create Modal
  • Access Data via Resource Controller
  • API Routing
  • Test API in Postman

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What is rate limiting in laravel 5

Hello World, Today i am going to discuss “what is rate limiting in laravel 5“. This is a very easy tutorial. In this tutorial, we will show you the route code for rate limiting. I have divided this tutorial into the following parts.

  • What is rate limiting
  • How to define rate limiting in laravel 5
  • Text Example

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How to create a custom package in laravel 5

Hello World, Today I am going to discuss how to create a custom package in laravel 5. In this tutorial, we will create a crud package. We will discuss migrations, routes, models, controllers, views and package configuration in this tutorial. You can download the full source code of this tutorials at here.

I have divided this tutorial in the following part,

  • Package introduction
  • Package directory structure
  • Package configuration via composer
  • Load package from composer.json file
  • Create Crud Controller
  • Create Crud Model and migration
  • Create Crud Routes
  • Create Crud Views
  • Connect Package with Laravel
  • Test you package

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create reactjs application with laravel api

Hello World, Today i am going to create reactjs application with laravel api from scratch. In this application, we will fetch data from database with laravel resource api and show in reactjs application. In this tutorial, I have created two different application one is in laravel and other is in reactjs and then we have connected these both with api.


  • Install Laravel
  • Create product model and migration
  • Generate dummy data
  • Create Product resource
  • Route for api request
  • Test our application

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Learn laravel directory structure

Hello World,Today i am going to create article in which we will learn laravel directory structure. In this article, we will learn about all folders and files at the root path of laravel.

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Create load more pagination with ajax in laravel | Laravel Tutorials

Hello World, Today i am going to create load more pagination with ajax in laravel. In this tutorial, we will create a product list example in which we will show product list with load more button. When we will click on the load more button the more products will load at the bottom of current list without reloading the page. If all products has been loaded then load more button will hide. So lets start this tutorial.

I have divided this tutorials into followings steps:

  • Create product model and migration
  • Table schema setting for product data
  • Generate dummy data for products
  • Create Product Controller
  • Routes Setting
  • Create product list template to show default products
  • Implement load more pagination code
  • Route Setting
  • Product Controller Setting
  • Run the example application

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Create Read Update and delete data with Laravel 5

Hello World, Welcome to my website. This is the fourth part of the series Create project from scratch with laravel 5. In the previous part, we have discussed how to create custom admin login with laravel 5.

In this part, We will discuss how we can create read update and delete data with laravel 5. In this series, we are creating an employee management system. This part will help us to create Employee CRUD ( Create, Read, Update and Delete) with laravel. We will add, modify, view and delete employee detail in this part. I have divided this tutorial into the following parts.

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Setup laravel 5 on local system and create hello world app

Hello World, Welcome to my website. This is the second part of the series Create project from scratch with laravel 5. In the first part of this series, we have discussed about the project and technologies which we are using in this series. In this part, we will setup laravel 5 on local system and create hello world app.

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