Tag Archives: learn django


How to create project and application in Django?

Hello World, Welcome to this website. This is the second tutorial of the series “learn Django from scratch with example“. I have divided this tutorial into the following parts.

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What is Django and how to install Django?

Hello World, Welcome to projectsplaza.com. This is the first tutorial of “learn Django from scratch with example“. In this tutorial, we will discuss “what is Django and how to install Django“.

What is Django?

Django is an open-source web application framework, built with python. A web framework is set of components which help to create web application easier and faster. Django follows the model-template-view architectural pattern. It is maintained by the Django Foundation. The main goal of Django is to create a database-driven and complex website with ease.

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Learn django from scratch with example

Hello World, Welcome to projectsplaza.com. Today I am going to start a tutorial series of Django, here you will learn Django from scratch with an example project. In this series, We will create a blog application with Django and bootstrap 4. This is a very simple blog application. In this application, the following features will be available.

  • Home page with the latest post
  • Posts according to category
  • Post detail page
  • Add comments on the post

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