Tag Archives: laravel crud


Implement search in laravel

Hello World, Welcome to my website. Today i am going to implement search in laravel. In this tutorial, I will extends my previous tutorial. My previous four laravel tutorials are interconnected with each other. I want to share my knowledge with example so that i am following my previous tutorial because in my previous tutorials i an working on blog application. In this tutorial, we will implement search with url parameter and count the total search result.

I have divided this tutorial into following parts,

  • Create search form
  • Implement search with controller
  • Run the project

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Create Read Update and delete data with Laravel 5

Hello World, Welcome to my website. This is the fourth part of the series Create project from scratch with laravel 5. In the previous part, we have discussed how to create custom admin login with laravel 5.

In this part, We will discuss how we can create read update and delete data with laravel 5. In this series, we are creating an employee management system. This part will help us to create Employee CRUD ( Create, Read, Update and Delete) with laravel. We will add, modify, view and delete employee detail in this part. I have divided this tutorial into the following parts.

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