Tag Archives: codeigniter 3


Create a custom library in codeigniter 3

Hello World, Today i am going to create a custom library in codeigniter 3. Library refers to a class which is location in application/libraries folder. This folder contains only user defined libraries. Codeigniter have their own library which is located in system/libraries.

We should not modify the core library of any framework or any CMS becuase when you will update your system, your changes will disappear. Codeigniter provides facility to extend the core library classes and add some additional feature in it. In codeigniter, we can perform following things with library.

  • Create library from scratch
  • Extend the functionality of existing library
  • Replace the functionality of existing library

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Upload image with codeigniter

Hello World, This is ninth tutorial of the series Learn codeigniter from scratch. In the previous tutorial of this series, we have learned that how to perform update delete data in database with codeigniter. In this tutorial, we will learn how to upload image with codeigniter and save in database. From starting, we are performing all our code on todo list application. So this tutorial will also apply the code in todo list app.

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Searching and sorting with codeigniter

Hello World, Welcome to codeigniter tutorial seriesĀ Learn codeigniter from scratch. In the previous tutorial you have learned that how to update and delete data from database with codeigniter. In this tutorial, we will learn that how we can perform searching and sorting with codeigniter. We will apply searching and sorting on out existing todo app. I have divided this tutorial in following parts:

  • Concept Overview
  • Implement Searching
  • Implement Sorting
  • Test the application.

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Update delete data from database with codeigniter

Hello World, Welcome to the tutorial series Learn codeigniter from scratch. This is eight tutorial of this series. In this tutorial, we will learn how we can update delete data from database with codeigniter. We will implement update or delete action on our existing todo application. In the previous tutorial we have learned that how we can implement jquery ajax with codeigniter.

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