Hello World, Welcome to This is a stock management system built with Django 3 and bootstrap 4 framework. I have also used matplotlib python package in this project. In this project, you can vendors, items, sales, and purchases. You can also view the sale purchase report. This is a very application but powerful application for your Django practice. You can use this project for the stock management system or for your Django practice. The following features are available in this project.
–   Admin Login
–Â Â Â Dashboard
    –   Total Vendors Count With Vendor List Link
    –   Total Sales Count With Sale List Link
    –   Total Purchases Count With Purchase List Link
    –   Low Stock Items Count With Low Stock Item List Link
    –   Total Sales Via MatPlotLib Bar Chart
–Â Â Â Setting
    –   Set min qty for low stock item list
–   Manage Vendors
–   Manage Items
–   Manage Purchase Items
–   Manage Sale Items
–   View Sale Purchase Report with MatPlotLib PieChart
How to run this script
I have used two external libraries in this project. The first is matplotlib and another is django-mathfilters.
–   Download the zip file and extract
–   Activate virtual environment
–   Start the script with the following command
–Â Â
pip install requirements.txt
–Â Â Â
py runserver
–Â Â Â
–   Access admin with
Admin Credentials
username: admin
password: admin
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