Category Archives: Python Web Framework


Create class based view in django 3

Hello World, Welcome to projects Today we will learn how to create a class-based view in Django 3. In this tutorial, we will render a simple template via class. Basically, there are two methods to load the view template in Django. One is a function-based view(FBV) and another is a class-based view(CBV). Class-based views were introduced in Django 1.7. The reason behind this was the proper structure, inheritance and the developer can customize the class-based view more than the function-based view.

  • Create cbv.html in the templates folder in your app and add the following code.
  • <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <title>CBV View</title>
        <h3>Hello World, This is class based view</h3>


  • Open app/ and add the following code in it
  • urlpatterns=[


How to save form data in database in django

Hello World, Welcome to Today we will learn how to save form data in the database in django. We will use the SQL database. I am assuming that you have installed Django in your system, If not then please refer to this tutorial. We will create a simple contact form in which the user will fill his basic information like full name, email, and message.
I have divided this tutorial into the following parts.

  • Create a contact model
  • Create contact form template
  • Submit form and save data in the database

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How to create admin panel in django 3

Hello World, Welcome to Today I am going to create a tutorial about the Django admin panel. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create an admin panel in Django 3. I will extend my previous tutorial in which we have learned how we can submit form data in the SQLite database with jquery ajax in Django 3.

Django comes with a powerful admin panel. We just need to configure this in our project. There are lots of features in this admin panel but not any then you can customize it at any level.

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How to submit data with jquery ajax in django 3

Hello World, Welcome to Today I am going to create a tutorial on how to submit the form with jquery ajax in Django 3. This is a very simple tutorial. I will submit a form of data in the database without reloading the page in Django 3 with the help of jquery ajax. I have divided this tutorial into the following steps.

  • Setup Django with learning project and ajaxform app
  • Create a post model
  • Setup route for view
  • Create form template
  • Submit form data in the database with jquery ajax
  • Verify the submitted data

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How to create static application with django?

Hello World, Welcome to This is the third tutorial of the series “learn Django from scratch with example“. In this tutorial, we will create a static blog application with Django. We will learn the following things in this tutorial.

  • How to create view templates in Django?
  • How to add static files in Django templates?
  • How to extend a template in Django?
  • How to share common data in all views?

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How to create project and application in Django?

Hello World, Welcome to this website. This is the second tutorial of the series “learn Django from scratch with example“. I have divided this tutorial into the following parts.

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What is Django and how to install Django?

Hello World, Welcome to This is the first tutorial of “learn Django from scratch with example“. In this tutorial, we will discuss “what is Django and how to install Django“.

What is Django?

Django is an open-source web application framework, built with python. A web framework is set of components which help to create web application easier and faster. Django follows the model-template-view architectural pattern. It is maintained by the Django Foundation. The main goal of Django is to create a database-driven and complex website with ease.

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Learn django from scratch with example

Hello World, Welcome to Today I am going to start a tutorial series of Django, here you will learn Django from scratch with an example project. In this series, We will create a blog application with Django and bootstrap 4. This is a very simple blog application. In this application, the following features will be available.

  • Home page with the latest post
  • Posts according to category
  • Post detail page
  • Add comments on the post

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How to create view templates in flask

Hello World, Welcome to my website. Today I am going to discuss how to create view templates in flask. This is a very simple tutorial. In this tutorial, we will create a view template and pass some data to that template.

Please ensure that you have installed python 3 and flask on your system. I am using window so all commands will be according to this OS.

I have divided this tutorial into the following parts.

  • Install Flask
  • Create python(flask) file and load html template
  • Create HTML file show data
  • Run application

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