Category Archives: Nodejs


Create website with nodejs express and handlebars

Hello World, Today we are going to Create website with nodejs express and handlebars. In my previous articles i have explained that how to create simple static website with nodejs, express and jade. In this tutorial we will learn how to create website with nodejs, express and handlebars. Following is the content of this article:

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Upload Image with Nodejs and Express

Hello World, Today we are going to discuss how to upload image with nodejs and express. Before reading this article I request to you read the following tutorial so that you can the basic knowledge about nodejs web development.

I have divided this tutorial in following parts:

  • Set up Projects.
  • Create Views.
  • Upload Image in folder and view the image.

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Create Dynamic Website with Nodejs and MongoDB

Hello World, Today we are going to discuss that how we can create dynamic website with nodejs and mongodb. Before starting this tutorial, I request you to read my previous article that how we can create simple static website with nodejs, express and jade. Because this article is extended version of my previous article.

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Create simple static website with nodejs,express and jade

Hello world, Today we are going to discuss that how to Create simple static website with nodejs,express and jade.

I have divided this tutorial in following parts:

  • Introduction of Node.js and express
  • Install Node.js and express
  • Create sample website
  • Test our website 

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